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The American Legion Family

American Legion National
AL Department of Texas
American Legion Auxiliary

Substance Abuse Resources for Veterans and their Families

Directory of Resources for Veterans and their Families

Wreaths Across America

Welcome to The American Legion Division 2, Texas

Veterans Crisis Line Information 800 273-8255

Veterans Crisis Line

If you are a Service member or Veteran in crisis or you’re concerned about one, there are specially trained responders ready to help you, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. The Veterans Crisis Line connects Service members and Veterans in crisis, as well as their family members and friends, with qualified, caring VA responders through a confidential toll-free hotline, online chat, or text-messaging service.


PTSD: Specialized Care and Supportive Services

Stressful and traumatic events happen throughout life. Being frightened and having an added layer of tension while you process these emotions is a normal reaction. If you begin to have flashbacks, recurring memories or dreams, distressing thoughts, or physical symptoms of stress about the event, you may have Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Click here for further information on understanding PTSD and explore various care options available to help you through this difficult time.

Membership Renewal

The Membership year is January 1 to December 31 of each year. If your dues for the new year have not been received by January 1st, you are delinquent. If your dues have not been received by February 1st, your membership is suspended and you must be voted back into the Post by the membership. To avoid being delinquent, the Legion starts collecting dues for the new year in July. That gives members July through January (7 months) to get their dues paid without being suspended.

Please do not confuse when membership dues come due with the membership goals and target dates. Membership awards are generally based on current year status on June 1st of each year. This is not the date that dues should be paid. Please pay your dues before February 1st.

Click to Renew...

Below are two contacts at National who may be able to provide you some assistance with questions concerning membership and our new system. They are:

David Sutton
Phone: 317-860-3020

Kevin Mook
Phone: 317-630-1335

Current Constitution & Bylaws

Please click on the link to view and download AL Division 2's Constitution & Bylaws approved at the 2023 Division 2 Convention.

2023 AL Division 2 Constitution & Bylaws

Video Conferencing

We are hold many of our meetings through video conferencing. For those of us not familiar with these platforms, the following list of "how to" videos may be useful: